Wednesday 19 November 2014

Script Questions

Q1) Out of all the main character who is your favourite? and why?

  •        Chloe as she is the most caring.
  • jack because he seems deep character with hidden feelings
  • Joe because he speaks his mind.

Q2) Out of all the main character who do you like the least? and why?

  • Joe as he is horrible to his mates but makes it up by saying sorry.
  • Hollie because she dent really contribute as much as the other characters
  • Hollie because she didn't talk much so i didn't know much about her.

Q3) What would you say is the main weakness of the show? and why?

  • could have more character development of the other characters
  • some characters don't really say much as the other ones.
  • Non diverse characters.

Q4) Could you describe what is happening in the show? do you understand it?

  • They are all finishing college and are going to different universities. they are all going on a camping trip as a group of friends.
  • yes, there a group of friends who are facing having to separate from one another
  • there is a set of friends and they are coming up to leaving college, and after college they are all going to different universities so they make an agreement to see each other when they all go. 

Q5) How would you have changed this episode?

  •  Have the teens talking about how there going to keep in touch and more about were there going camping
  • explain how he's been noticed by Harvard, it just seems a bit farfetched.
  • have the characters talk about university and what options they think they will take.
  • Lots of bad language so wouldnt be able to let children watch and the names are all white British names, which is racist.

Q6) How do you feel each character interacts? do you feel they work well with each other in an entertaining manner?

  • They fit in and many people could relate to the episode.
  • yeah you can tell that they are really close and have a deep bond.
  • i feel that they work well because you can tell from what they say that they are a close friendship group and that they will miss everyone.
  • They are all mean to each other but it works well.

Q7) do you feel that the plot works well? why?
  •       It works well as it isn't boring and keeps the reader engaged
  • yeah its a realistic representation of finishing college, and losing friends
  • I feel that it does work well because it shows how people act within college, but i feel that the camping scene went on for too long rather than the university.
  • They're in high school but are already worrying about what they're doing in university. and is they're supposed to bin college it doesn't say anywhere.

Q8) Describe how you felt after reading the script.

  •  I just wanted to read more and find out what happens next.
  • i want to know what happens to jack, and how he'll end up.
  • i want to know as to why Chris was upset, and if Jack gets his results if he can go to the university that he wants.
  • i want to know more about why Chris was so upset!

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