Wednesday 26 November 2014

4th Draft script Edits Made

The First thing i have noticed that needs to be changed, is the writer name. This previously wasnt included in my script.

After that i have also noticed that i need to use a different font than what i have been using so far for my previous drafts. The font i was using was the default setting and has now been changed to courier, which is a more professional, type writer look that is easier to read.

Following on from that i have also added a title page with the Script Title and the name of the writer.

The next change i have made to my script is that i have centred the text.

After that i have removed all of the camera suggestions as this would not be my job but would be for the director to do.

Next i have added the location and description. e.g EXT. LOCATION1 - DAY

The next thing that i have changed is the spacing between scenes and made sure that it is three line spacing.

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