Wednesday 4 February 2015

Analysis of posters and DVD covers

DVD covers

Breaking Bad second season DVD cover


Firstly in this DVD cover i see the front cover focuses on what i assume to be the two main protagonists. these two protagonists are binary opposites as one is old, and the other is young. The clothing and items they have with them has connotations to crime. this is because of the weapons shown, along with the possible drugs on the floor, and the chemical protection clothing. The desert has a link to a hot, isolated location so is therefore indexical. Following on as there are only two protagonists in this image there is an indexical link to secrecy. Furthermore the drugs in the image has connotations to the crime genre, illegal activities, and violence. After that the title of this image has an indexical link to organized crime. Next the gun and baseball bat has connotations of violence, and defense actions. Finally the image is a hook and is anchorage to the genre of crime.

One the back of the DVD cover the main protagonists are shown with the other protagonists around them which is a code to the audience to indicate these are the main protagonists. Following on they have also critically acclaimed themselves and have used visual codes. Finally the blurb also has connotations to secrecy.

Transporter 3 DVD cover

To begin with this is a long shot of the main character performing some form of action stunt, which has connotations to the action genre. Following on the main protagonist is wearing a suit, this has connotations to a profession, or a business, which in this case would appear to be the main protagonists employment. After this the main protagonist is also holding two guns. The also has connotations to crime and violence.Next they have also added in an image of a car and a woman with blue effects behind them. The woman is also holding a gun which again has connotations to violence and crime. While the car is an indexical link to the title of the movie 'transporter' so may be a connotation for transporting using this vehicle. The title of the film is also central in the page, its quite large, white and bold. This is quite a masculine, eye attaching style of font. the 3 is also coloured to look like flames, which is an indexical link to action, violence, and fire. Finally there are also some quotes from a newspaper which is enticing for the audience.

After this on the back of the cover, another large image of the main protagonist is shown performing a similar action to that in the front of the cover. this is further anchorage to the action, shooter genre. Following on there is also a flamed background which again links to violence, and fire. Finally there are also several quotations from reviewers which  appeal to the audience.

Woman in Black DVD cover

To start with the Main protagonist is the largest thing on the front of the cover, this is a connotation to the audience that he is the sole main protagonist. Following on from the there is also the title of the film at the top of the page, which is quite large, and also has a font which conotates to the horror genre. this is anchorage to genre. After that there is also an image of a person wearing all black, this is an indexical link to the title of the dil as it shows what the title suggests. Next the main protagonist is also wearing old fashioned style clothing which is a connotation to show the time the film is set, which appears to be around the 1800s.Finally there is also a quote from a newspaper which appeals to the audience.

Next on the back of the cover there is also another image of this person wearing all black which is another connotation to the horror genre. There is also a quote from another critic which again is appealing to the audience. After this the blurb is on the right of the page in quite small letters. this to m feels like a connotation to secret as they may feel that they have to tell the audience something about the film, although they don't want to give too much away, which will make the viewer want to watch the film. Finally there is another image of two children with their eyes edited out. Above this image is a question which the viewer can't answer until they hatch the film. this is a rhetorical question and is also appealing to the viewer to find out what they saw.